Country: Egypt
Year: 1965
Duration: 105'

The 1940's, in a village in the mountainous area of Luxor. The architect Fahmi has convinced the authorities to finance the construction of a new village with the help of one of the princesses of the royal family. The new village is meant to help the mountain people, who survive by selling archeological artifacts to foreign antique dealers. The head of the old village refuses to move to the new village - as opposed to his brother-in-law Husein and his girlfriend Misi'da - and in fact destroys the new village in a fire…

"What most fascinated me about the subject of Al giabal was the attention paid to the population of the mountainous zone of Luxor, which had been taken advantage of by unscrupulous foreigners. This explains its opposition to any form of modernity. The story is based on a true story that happened to the architect Hasan Fathi, who projectd the village Al Qurna" (Khalil Shawqi, in an interview with Samir Farid, published in "Al Giumhuriyya", March 18, 1965).


film director

Khalil Shawqi

Khalil Shawqi (1928-1996). After graduating in Letters from the University of Cairo in 1954, he received a degree at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome in 1956. He has worked for Egyptian television ever since its beginning, in 1960.


Kulluna ma'ahum (Siamo tutti con loro, doc., cm, 1958), Al hadid wa al sulb (Il ferro e l'acciaio, doc., cm, 1958), Al bitrol (Il petrolio, doc., cm, 1958), Al shai (Il tè, doc., cm, 1958), Al usratu al sa'ida (La famiglia felice, doc., cm, 1958), Mu'assasatu da'mi al cinema (L'ente per il sostegno del cinema, doc., cm, 1959), Tattawur fanni al naht fi Misr (Le fasi della scultura in Egitto, doc., cm, 1960), Hikayatu mirath (La storia di un'eridità, doc., cm, 1961), Marakibu al shams (I bastimenti del sole, doc., cm, 1961), Al rimalu al khadrà (La sabbia verde, doc., cm, 1961), Dunia (Universo, cm, 1963), Al sina'atu al thaqila (L'industria pesante, doc., cm, 1963), Al dhahabu al abiyad (L'oro bianco, doc., cm, 1963), Al isaratu al khadrà (La luce verde, doc., cm, 1963), Al giabal (La montagna, 1965), Mu'askaru al banat (Il campeggio delle ragazze, 1967), Dawru al shurtta fi al difa'u al madani (Il ruolo della polizia nella protezione civile, doc., cm, 1970), Amm Ragab (Zio Ragab, doc., cm, 1970), Risala min al giabha (Una lettera dal fronte, doc., cm, 1970), Al difa'u al madani fi al sina'a (La protezione industriale, doc., cm, 1970), Istikhdamu al ajhiza fi al inqadh (L'utilizzo degli attrezzi di salvataggio, doc., cm, 1970), Al napalm (Il napalm, doc., cm, 1970), Al harbu al kimawiyya (La guerra chimica, doc., cm, 1970), Lu'abatu kulli yawm (Il gioco di tutti i giorni, 1971), Giununu al shabab (La follia della gioventù, 1972), Min ajli al salam (Per la pace, doc., cm, 1974), Mawkibu al abttal (Il corteo, doc., cm, 1974), Akhdar wa assfar (Verde e giallo, doc., cm, 1975), Wa tahattamat al usttura (Così è franata una leggenda, doc., cm, 1975), Rihlatu khulud (Il viaggio dell'eternità, doc., mm, 1975), El Qahira Hubbi (Cairo, amore mio, doc., cm, 1976), Ishraqatu amal (Il barlume di una speranza, doc., cm, 1978), El zoga ta'arif akthar (La moglie sa di più, 1987).


& Credits

Director: Khalil Shawqi.
Soggetto e dialoghi: Fat-hi Ghanim.
Screenplay: Fat-hi Ghanim, Khalil Shawqi.
Director of photography: Dia'u Al Mahdi.
Art director: Antoine Polisois.
Editor: Sa'id Al Sheikh.
Music: Ibrahim Hajjaj.
Sound: Nasri Abdu Al Nurr.
Cast: Samira Ahmad, Omar Al Hariri, Abdu al Warith Asar, Zuzu Madi, Leila Fawzi, Majda Al Khatib, Sa'id Khalil e Abdu Al Alim Khattab.
Production company and Italian distribution: Ente Generale del Cinema.