Country: Italy
Year: 2001
Duration: 3'

It is 2001. The most famous film stars on the calendars talk over an audio taken from 2001: A Space Odyssey.


film director

Maurizio Failla

He is as old as The Passenger. He is a film-lover to the core, a director of videos on the edge of the absurd, an orphan of Kubrick and De André. He is crazy about Tsukamoto, Tarantino and von Trier. His hidden fantasy is to direct a remake of Jack Hill's Swichblade Sister.


Fiumi di parole (cm, 1997), Dacci un taglio… bambola! (cm, 1997), Sapete cosa fanno Barbie e Ken quando restano soli nella casa dei sogni… (cm, 1997), Right Right Right ovvero come imparai a non preoccuparmi e ad amare la rissa (cm, 1998), Discorsi del cazzo (cm, 1998), Squartati (cm, 1998), BONUS, Beavis and Butthead in three dimensions (cm, 1998), Il santo, dal vangelo secondo Tarantino (cm, 1999), Consigli per gli acquisti (cm, 1999), Beverly Hills 906090 (cm, 1999), Un posto all'ombra (cm, 2000), Guarda chi si rivede… l'uomo invisibile (cm, 2000), Freestyler (cm, 2000), Acqua acquetta (cm, 2000), Gem Boy's panda special (cm, 2001), Cellulari (cm, 2001), Clavius (cm, 2001), Goku vs Kenshiro (cm, 2001), Metropolis (cm, 2001).


& Credits

Director: Maurizio Failla.
Production company: Maurizio Failla, via Valenti 67, Macerata, Italia, tel. +39-0733-268013, e-mail