Country: Italy
Year: 2001
Duration: 11'

"Courtyard is a collage of images stolen over the years as I pointed the camera outside the window of my studio. These are pure documents that have no connection one with the other. As I edited them, I tried to have them become story, rhythm, and even a draft of a discussion about method.
'The task that I propose for myself is above all to make you see' (D.W. Griffith, 1913)" (Gianluca Chinnici).


film director

Gianluca Chinnici


Pittura fritta, (1995), La rasatura (1995), Ciclo della vanitas: Vanitas (sulla pelle) (1996), Vanitas (nella carne) (1997), Ecce mater tua (1997), Alchemica (1997), Balocchica (1997), Vittoria sul sole, (1999), Koroshiya (1999), A via Teodosio (1999), Quattro inquadrature in un bagno (2000), Cortile (2001).


& Credits

Director: Gianluca Chinnici.