Country: Egypt
Year: 1947
Duration: 130'

Fatma is a nurse of humble origins who takes care of Pasha Fat-h Al Bab. The girl is convinced by the Pasha's brother, Fat-hi, to marry him in a non-official wedding. When she becomes pregnant, Fat-hi abandons her to marry an aristocrat, Mirvat. Fatma denounces Fat-hi to the authorities, and during the trial he discovers that Mirvat is betraying him. He repents, returns to Fatma and legally recognizes his son.

"Umm Kulthum (1989-1975) was the greatest Egyptian and Arab singer of the 20th century. Between 1936 and 1947 she sang and acted in six films, three of which are historical and three contemporary. The first, Widad, was directed by the German, Fritz Kramp, and the fifth, Sallama, was directed by Togo Mizrahi. The other four - the last of which is Fatma - were all directed by Ahmad Badrakhan" (Samir Farid).


film director

Ahmad Badrakhan

Ahmad Badrakhan (1909-1969). Director, author and screenwriter, he was elected president of the Egyptian Artists' Union, and of the Confederation of Artistic Unions. He has also been rector of the Superior Institute of Cinema, an advisor for the Cinema Society, and the president of the Cinema Committee of the Socialist Union, the only governing party in Egypt.


Nashid al amal (Il cantico della speranza, 1937), Shei'un min la shei'e (Una cosa dal nulla, 1938), Dananir (1940), Intisaru al shabab (La vittoria della gioventù, 1941), Assifa ala al rif (Una tempesta sulla campagna, 1941), Aida (1942), Qubla min Lubnan (Un bacio in Libano, 1945), Taxi Hanttur (Taxi di Hantur, 1945), Majd wa dumu'a (Gloria e lacrime, 1946), El nafkha al kaddaba (Il vento bugiardo, 1946), Al Qahira-Baghdad (Il Cairo-Baghdad, 1947), Fatma (1947), Ana we inta (Io e te, 1950), Lailat gharam (Una notte di passione, 1951), Al iman (La credenza, 1952), Mustafa Kamel (1952), Lahnu hubbi (La melodia del mio amore, 1953), Wa'ad (Una promessa, 1954), Allah ma'ana (Dio è con noi, 1955), Al arusa al saghira (La piccola sposa, 1956), Ghariba (Straniera, 1958), Sayyid Darwish (Signor Darwish, 1966), Al nissf al akhar (L'altra metà, 1967), Afrah (Feste, 1968), Nadia (1969).


& Credits

Regia, sceneggiatura e dialoghi: Ahmad Badrakhan.
Plot: Mustafa Amin.
Director of photography: Abdu Al Halim Nassr.
Art director: Antoine Polisois.
Editor: Kamal Al Sheikh.
Sound: Mustafa Wali e Arcoli.
Music: Abdu Al Halim Nuwaira.
Songs: Beram Al Tunsi, Ahmad Rami (testo), Zakariyya Ahmad, Mohammad al Qasabgi, Riyad Al Sunbatti (musica).
Interprete canzoni: Umm Kulthum.
Cast and characters: Umm Kulthum (Fatma), Anwar Wajdi (Fat-hi), Sulaiman Nagib (Fat-h Al Bab), Zuzu Shakib (Mirvat), Firdos Mohammad, Hasan Kamel, Mohammad Kamal Al Massri, Abdu Al Fattah Al Qassri.
Production company and Italian distribution: Misr per il Teatro e il Cinema.