Country: Italy
Year: 2000
Duration: 15'

A teenage brat with an unresolved Oedipus complex and a crush on Julia Roberts comes across a pistol while he goes to visit his mother. This mishap will set off a series of rip-roaring encounters, even including one with Enrico Lucci of Le iene, which will make him change his diestination.


film director

Cinzia Bomoll

27-year-old Cinzia Bomoll is a screenwriter and director. She has directed several short films and documentaries, both celluloid and digital. She has worked in film and television as a director and author. She has acted in Lucio Pellegrini's Tandem, Asia Argento's Scarlet Diva, and Alex Infascelli's Almost Blue.


L'altro (cm, 1993), Gli scomodi (cm, 1994), Amore di linea alla fermata "Speranza" (cm, 1995), La finestra sul porcile (cm, 1995), A qualcuno piace morto (cm, 1995), Eredità ed eredi (cm, 1996), Buongiorno! (cm, 1996), Emigrazione e lavoro (doc., 1996), Red Hair Affair (cm, 1997), Il diamante scheggiato (doc., 1997), Gara di resistenza (cm, 1998), Bast@rd & Tuon@ta (cm, 2000), Will U Die 4 Me? (doc., 2000), Il contrattempo (cm, 2000).


& Credits

Director: Cinzia Bomoll.
Cast: Enrico Lucci, Riccardo Cheli, Cinzia Bomoll, Maurizio Catalani, Maurizio Pepe.
Production company: Cinzia Bomoll, via Don Fortuzzi 1, 40019 Sant'Agata Bolognese (Bo), Italia, tel. +39-335-369379.