Egypt according to...

LA LOTTA DELL'UOMO PER LA SOPRAVVIVENZA La civilità che nacque da un fiume (II puntata); Dall'angoscia dei miti al Dio che è salvezza (III puntata)

man's fight to survive (parts II and III)

Country: Italy
Year: 1967
Duration: 83'

A TV documentary divided into two parts, each composed of six episodes. In the second part, Civilization is Born from a River, various moments of Egyptian social life are recreated, from gatherings at the court of the pharaohs to working in the fields, from the beginnings of scientific medicine to rites associated with death. The first part of the third episode, From the Anguish of Myths to God Who is Salvation, the apogee of Egyptian civilization is shown in both its technological aspects and its religious and intellectual ones.


film director

Renzo Rossellini

Roberto Rossellini

Roberto Rossellini (Rome, Italy, 1906-1977) began working in cinema during Fascism. During the post-war period, he created neo-realistic masterpieces like Rome Open City (1945), Paisà (1946) and Germany Year Zero (1947). He then made films which studied solitude, alienation and marital crisis – Stromboli (1950), The Greatest Love (1952) and Journey to Italy (1954). His films are backed up by an experimental style and study reality with a subjective outlook. In 1960s he began working in television, dedicating himself to historical and didactic cinema.


filmografia essenziale/essential filmography
La nave bianca (1941), Un pilota ritorna (1942), L’uomo della croce (1943), Roma città aperta (1945), Paisà (1946), Germania anno zero (1947), L’amore (ep. Una voce umana, 1948), La macchina ammazzacattivi (1948), Stromboli terra di Dio (1950), Francesco giullare di Dio (1950), Europa 51 (1952), Dov’è la libertà (1953), Viaggio in Italia (1954), Giovanna d’Arco al rogo (1954), La paura (1954), Le psychodrame (1956), India (1958), Il generale Della Rovere (1959), Era notte a Roma (1960), Viva l’Italia (1960), Vanina Vanini (1961), Anima nera (1962), La presa del potere da parte di Luigi XIV (tv, 1966), Atti degli apostoli (tv, 1968), Socrate (tv, 1970), Pascal (tv, 1971), Agostino d’Ippona (tv, 1972), Anno uno (1974), Il Messia (1975).


& Credits

Director: Renzo Rossellini.
Soggetto, sceneggiatura e supervisione: Roberto Rossellini.
Director of photography: Mario Fioretti.
Art director: Gepy Mariani, Virgil Moise.
Costume designer: Marcella De Marchis.
Music: Mario Nascinbene.
Production company: Roberto Rossellini per RAI, Orizzonte 2000, (Roma), Logos Film (Parigi), Romania Film (Bucarest), Copro Film (Il Cairo).