Country: Italy
Year: 2001
Duration: 53'

"The story of the hot days at Genoa during the G8. The film runs chronologically, day by day, as it aims to offer the emotions of those days as well as a long reflection on the meaning of globalization. […] We could not ignore the facts connected with the hard news and the acts of violence, that minimal aspect, that confirms some crucial moments of our story" (Giulio Graglia).


film director

Giulio Graglia

Giulio Graglia (Turin, 1958) has been making commercials, industrial films, publishing films, and music videos. He has directed various works for RAI as an author and director.


Un letterato nel mestiere di vivere (1990), Un pennello invece della lupara (1991), La guerra di Johnny (1992), Strano interludio (1994), 25 aprile, 50 anni dopo (1995), Giuseppe Giacosa (1996), Torino Tirana (1997), Domingo, il favoloso (Giovanni Arpino, dieci anni dopo) (1998), Eminguay (1999), Una topolino amaranto (Cesare Pavese) (2000), Periferie in scena (2000), Speciale G8 (2001).


& Credits

Director: Giulio Graglia.
Editor: Paola Messina.
Production company: Rainotte, Centro di Produzione Rai di Torino.