by Ferruccio Marotti
Country: Italy
Year: 1984
Duration: 80'

The distortion of a Shakespearian classic: Carmelo Bene dealing with the character of Macbeth, transformed by him into the mad inmate of a luxury clinic assisted by a lady Macbeth in a sadomasochistic nurse version. A unique document that with the previous Carmelo Bene. Le tecniche dell’assenza, with which it makes up the Macbeth diptych, captures for the first time the intense rehearsal days, divided into six chapters, whence all the mechanisms at the base of the Puglia master’s theatrical mise en scène emerge. Depensamento, the stream of consciousness, phoné, the actors’ machine, the suspension of what’s tragic, difficulty in communication, un-representability, for a performing marathon in which, once again, the brilliant originality of Bene’s approach to theatre ends up by bewitching and shocking in its uniqueness.


film director

Ferruccio Marotti

Ferruccio Marotti (Trieste, Italy, 1939) has taught history of theatre and performance at the literature and philosophy faculty at La Sapienza in Rome. As well as numerous publications, he created several documentaries including Bharata natyam (1973), on classic Indian dancing, Trance e dramma a Bali (1974) and the series Storie dell’isola della luce (198o-1982), on Balinese theatre, Laboratorio audiovisivo sull’attore e il lavoro teatrale, Il Macbeth di Carmelo Bene (1984), Il lavoro teatrale di Eduardo all’Università di Roma, Il Macbeth di Vittorio Gassman, Luigi Pirandello, Ciascuno a suo modo. Lezioni di regia di Anatolij Vasil’ev (1996) and the programme for Rai due Eduardo a tu per tu.


Bharata natyam (doc., 1973), Trance e dramma a Bali (doc.,1974), Laboratorio audiovisivo sull’attore e il lavoro teatrale (doc.), Il Macbeth di Carmelo Bene (doc., 1984), Il lavoro teatrale di Eduardo all’Università di Roma (doc.), Il Macbeth di Vittorio Gassman (doc.), Perché andare a teatro? (doc.), Arlecchino a casa del diavolo (doc.), Luigi Pirandello, Ciascuno a suo modo. Lezioni di regia di Anatolij Vasil’ev (doc., 1996), Eduardo a tu per tu (tv).


film director

“What was it? We’ve played, let’s say, at frightening each other, knocking from within: at imagining a spectre of fear. Remorse keeping us company, clothed with the most various moods, persuading ourselves it is we who decide our gestures.” (Carmelo Bene)


& Credits

regia/director Ferruccio Marotti
montaggio/film editing Agostino Conforti
suono/sound Gianfranco Cabiddu
interprete e personaggio/cast and character Carmelo Bene (Macbeth) produzione/production Università di Roma La Sapienza, Centro Interfacoltà Teatro Ateneo, Istituto del teatro e dello spettacolo
distribuzione/distribution Movie Inspired