by François Farellacci
Country: France
Year: 2012
Duration: 60'

In Corsica, the roads high above the sea are dotted with monuments in memory of the people who, at that point along the road, suspended between sea and sky, lost their life. Everyone on the island has their own personal idea of death: to some, it’s too far away to even be imagined; to others, it is a constant presence in their life; to some, it’s something to come to terms with as soon as possible, so as not to be caught unawares.


film director

François Farellacci

François Farellacci, in collaboration with Institutions such as Le Pavillon du Palais de Tokyo, France Culture and Centre Pompidou, has created different works that place themselves inbetween documentary, fiction, video art and photography. He has already presented various shorts and documentaries in Torino: Famille (2009), winner of the AVANTI! award, and L’île des morts (2012). In 2014, in collaboration with Laura Lamanda, he made Lupino, winner of the Solinas award for cinema documentary, selected and awarded in several international festivals amongst which the Filmmaker Festival in Milan (Youth Jury award), the Brive festival (CINE award and Youth Jury award) and Visions du Réel. Since 2015 he is member of the board of Directors of SRF- Société des réalisateurs de films.


L’età forte (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, cm, 1998), Volo sulla città (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, cm, 1998), Stay (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, cm, 2001), Winterspleen (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, cm, 2003), Qui guide qui (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, doc., 2003), Resurrezioni (coregia/codirector Laura Lamanda, 2004), Famille (mm, doc., 2009), L’île des morts (doc., 2012).


film director

“In 1982, my grandmother died in a terrible car accident: ever since, I have had the sensation that death is present in everything, that it intertwines with life, and that it can manifest itself at any moment. And when I’m in Corsica this sensation is even stronger. During filming, I went all over the island, trying to capture the special relationship the people there have with death. But I didn’t want to make a gloomy movie, so I began to film groups of young people. As I got to know them, I understood, sometimes with amazement, that situations and people in a direct rapport with death are often charged with an intense form of vitality.”


& Credits

regia/director François Farellacci
fotografia/cinematography François Farellacci, Yannick Casanova
montaggio/film editing Sylvie Laugier
suono/sound Michel Liabeuf, Vincent Piponnier
produttori/producers Dominique Tiberi, Paul Chiesa, Paul-Philippe Casanova