by Luigi Monardo Faccini
Country: Italy
Year: 2012
Duration: 42'

What is the music of Morando Morandini? The clinking sound of his Everest Typewriter, or the dense spirals of smoke from this red Bensons? The frequently scathing reviews from his Dizionario del Cinema, or the friendship of the many people who think very highly of him and respect him? Morandini, a film critic and intellectual who has deeply marked the history of Italian cinema, tells his life between personal and political spheres, and his human and professional experience.


film director

Luigi Faccini

Luigi Monardo Faccini (Lerici, La Spezia, Italy) directed his first film Il libro bianco for RAI in 1969. In 1975 he wrote and directed The Red Carnation, an adaptation of Vittorini’s novel. In 1982 he founded the production company MP with Marina Piperno, which will produce all his works. In 1985 he won a jury mention at the Locarno Film Festival and two Silver Ribbons with Inganni, inspired by the life of Dino Campana. He continued making documentaries as well as fictional films dealing with issues like AIDS, juvenile detention centers, the cities’ outskirts (Notte di Stelle, 1991, and Giamaica, 1998), and the memory of the fascist massacres. After the year 2000, he started dedicating himself to literary research, writing, among others, the book L’Amata & l’assassino, malizia e innocenza del cinema (2010), which accompanies the personal retrospective dedicated to the Faccini-Piperno duo by the National Cinema Museum of Turin. In 2009 he directed with Marina Piperno Storia di una donna amata e di un assassino gentile - Capitolo I, II, III, presenting it to the 27th Torino Film Festival.


Il libro bianco (tv, doc., 1969), Garofano rosso (1975), Nella città perduta di Sarzana (doc., 1979), Sassalbo provincia di Sidney (doc., 1982), L’Amiata è anche un fiume (doc., 1983), Immaginando cinema (doc., 1984), Inganni (1985), Donna d’ombra (1988), Villa Glori (doc., 1990), Ladro di voci (doc., 1990), Notte di stelle (1991), Canto per il sangue dimenticato (doc., 1997), Giamaica (1998).


film director

“What would you think of a critic who reviews your first fiction film calling you a ‘filmworm.’ The movie was Libro bianco, the year 1969. […] Do you want to know if the review was written with antipathy? It wasn’t. It was more like a sort of anticipation for my second trial; so I didn’t take it badly. After all, that critic was Morando Morandini. […] He was an icon already after participating in Bertolucci’s Before the Revolution. Since then, we have kept in touch, writing to each other with a sort of spontaneous continuity, even during the dark years when a writer sets the beat, when your country’s cinema, like a murderer on the loose, doesn’t open the doors to creativity. Our correspondence has been lasting for forty-three years.”


& Credits

regia, fotografia, suono/director, cinematography, sound Luigi Monardo Faccini montaggio/film editor Sara Bonatti
interpreti/cast Morando Morandini, Livio Bernardini, Egildo Simeone, Antonio Lombardi
produttore/producer Marina Piperno
produzione, distribuzione/production, distribution Associazione culturale Ippogrifo Liguria