by AA. VV.
Country: Russia
Year: 2012
Duration: 79'

Students spent two months filming nonstop with their video cameras in the streets of Moscow, recording what many people were calling Russia’s “last winter,” in anticipation of a spring of freedom and lawfulness. Coordinated by the filmmaker Marina Razbezhkina, ten graduates from Teatr.doc, the school of documentary film and documentary theater, of which Razbezhkina is the director with Mikhail Ugarov, immortalized the voices, faces, hopes and disappointments of the people who went out into the streets to protest Putin’s reelection.


film director


For the past seven years Marina Razbezhkina has headed the School of Documentary Film and Documentary Theatre, which she founded together with dramaturgist Mikhail Ugarov. This is a unique educational project which arouses a lot of interest in film schools in Europe and the USA. School program is designed for fourteen months. The main idea is to create full value authors – each student should be able to make auteur film on his own in the end of the school. Students are taught to see the reality and to explore the outer world with a help of camera, to find dramaturgy in living and to tell contemporary stories in real-time about people who surround us.


film director

“This movie really opened the door on the irrational aspect of our modern history. This irrationality is something that neither side of the political conflict will admit to, whether it’s the pro-Putin side or the opposition. All revolutions are insanely irrational, but historians then purge this aspect from textbooks. Here, that which cannot be understood is what carried me, as a viewer, through the film.” (Mikhail Ugarov)


& Credits

regia/directors Elena Khoreva, Denis Klebleev, Dmitry Kubasov, Askold Kurov, Nadezhda Leonteva, Anna Moiseenko, Madina Mustafina, Sofia Rodkevich, Anton Seregin, Alexey Zhiryakov 
montaggio, suono/film editing, sound Yuri Geddert 
produttore/producer Marina Razbezhkina 
produzione/production Marina Razbezhkina Studio 
vendita all’estero/world sales Rise and Shine