A TV series composed of eleven episodes and a conclusion, it aired in six one-hour programs starting on October 6, 1985. Lasting about half an hour each, the episodes are separated by intermissions starring three characters: Good, Evil, and Destiny.
ANCHE QUESTO È AMORE: a jealous wife tests her husband's fidelity by hiring a sophisticated call girl. But when the man resists her advances, the wife is disappointed.
VERDE LUNA: A cafeteria owner is obliged to listen to the sentimental secrets of his patrons; he pretends he has a relationship with a beautiful woman...
SANT’ANALFABETA: a humble, illiterate friar performs miracles and is praised for it. But when the prior forbids him to perform miracles, he settles for performing them halfway.
CUORE NERO: a newly rich couple whimsically decides to adopt a child of color. However, the court assigns them a white child, and they, dismayed, consider painting him..
film director
Sergio Citti