Si-young has been chosen to play the lead role in an experimental art film centered around her dance major. Along with her college friend Chae-yoon, they perform geometric dance routines as part of a shamanic ceremony as directed by the film's director. Their world is turned upside down when a production team member suddenly falls from the roof but their seemingly lifeless body begins to move and come to life.
film director

Han Dong-seok
(South Corea) graduated from Department of Film, Cheongju University. Since 2007, he has won many prizes,including the Korea Youth Film Festival, CJ Young Festival, and the Korea Video Contest. In 2018 he directed the short film The Night Before, was screened at Bucheon. In 2021 he directed the web drama Twenty Hacker and in 2203 he made his second feature, The Sin.
The Night Before (cm, 2018), Twenty Hacker (2021), The Sin (2023).