by Gianluca Manzetti
Country: Italy
Year: 2023
Duration: 86'

In a scorching Rome, flooded with waste and electric scooters, Al is a serial dreamer who feels destined for success. When he helplessly witnesses the disintegration of his dream to make it big with his rock band, fate points him toward a second path: a phone containing evidence of a crime. With a knowledge of noir stories at his disposal, Al becomes convinced that he can solve the case. As he begins the investigation, he encounters Betty, a young adventure-seeking outsider, through a dating app. Both searching for a place in the world, they delve into a mystery that soon proves to be beyond their grasp.


film director

Gianluca Manzetti

(Rome, Italy, 1990) graduated in Film History and Criticism from DAMS at Roma Tre. He worked as an assistant director with Stefano Sollima, Ferzan Özpetek, Sergio Castellitto, Giovanni Veronesi, and Simon West while honing his skills as a screenwriter collaborating with Luca Vendruscolo and attending workshops led by Lidia Ravera, Ivan Cotroneo, and Robert McKee. In 2016, his short film Pastarelle was selected by Rai Cinema Channel, while Insetti (2017) was picked up by Mediaset Premium. The shorts received significant national and international recognition. He has worked in advertising and fashion. In 2019, he was awarded the national TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World) prize by Junior Chamber International. In 2020, he directed the second unit of the international cinecomic, Dampyr. In 2023, he realized his first feature film, Roma Blues.


Pastarelle (cm, 2016), Insetti (cm, 2017), Roma Blues (2023).


film director

“Roma Blues is a noir-flavored indie coming-of-age film. The movie takes shape from the desire to depict how I see today's Rome, the city where I was born. It's a fiery, criminal, stagnant Capital that, despite everything, can still be a place capable of generating love. I've always been drawn to outsiders, to eccentrics who live outside the norm, disregarding others' judgments and seeking models beyond the established ones. These are the individuals I am interested in portraying.”


& Credits

DIRECTOR, SCREENPLAY: Gianluca Manzetti. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Tommaso Terigi. EDITING: Ilenia Zincone. MUSIC: Giovanni Piccardi. CAST: Francesco Gheghi, Mikaela Neaze Silva, Mino Caprio, Fabrizio Ciavoni, Gabriele Fiore, Federico Rosati, Gianmaria Martini, Gabriele Falsetta, Lidia Vitale, Alessandro Bernardini. PRODUCER: Francesco Pamphili. PRODUCTION: Art Film Kairos, Eliofilm, Rai Cinema.

CONTACT: Illmatic (Francesca Delise) f.delise@illmatic.it