Fadhel Messaoudi, a master of Oriental lute, has been in a serious car accident. He is between life and death. Will he still be able to play? Does he still want to live? You are Abou Hourayra, the musician’s double, and you are going to help him make a choice. The adventure is about to begin: press Start.
film director

Nader S. Ayache
(Sousse, Tunisia) started acting at a local theater club. He obtained his baccalaureate and joined the Higher Institute of Media Arts in Tunis where he graduated with honors in scriptwriting and filmmaking. His passion for cinema then took him to the Sorbonne in Paris, where he obtained a Master’s degree in film research. In parallel, in 2019 he directed the documentary War of the Cents, a film shown in prestigious festivals in France (Angers, Belfort, Lussas) and abroad (DocLisboa). In 2023 he directed the experimental documentary Renaissance.
War of the Cents (mm, doc., 2019), Renaissance (mm, doc., 2023).
film director
“Renaissance is a hybrid tale, between fiction, documentary, and a video game – filmed in subjective view. This allows me to create a particularly interesting relationship with the audience: immersive, playful. Just like Abou Hourayra, we learn more about Fadhel as clues appear. I want to put us in a mindset where we constantly want to go on adventures.”