Pupi Avati will be the main guest in the opening ceremony at Reggia di Venaria

The main guest of the opening ceremony of the 41st Torino Film Festival, which will be held at Reggia di Venaria on November 24th and broadcast live on Rai Radio Tre – Hollywood Party, will be one of the great masters of Italian cinema, Pupi Avati.

During the evening – hosted by Steve Della Casa – a number of personalities from the world of cinema and entertainment who shared important parts of their human and artistic journey with Pupi Avati will take the stage to pay tribute to him: Micaela Ramazzotti, Neri Marcorè, Lodo Guenzi.

Patroness of TFF’s opening ceremony will be actress and former model Catrinel Marlon.

Pupi Avati, born in Bologna, is one of the last great masters of Italian cinema. His dream was to become a great jazz clarinetist: he fulfilled it by touring Europe with the “Doctor Dixie Jazz Band” but gave it up after Lucio Dalla joined the lineup, healthy artistic competition made him realize the difference between passion and talent leading him to look elsewhere to find his own path.

Cinema is his future: he collaborated on the screenplay for Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom” (1975). “La mazurka del barone, della santa e del fico fiorone” (1975) with Ugo Tognazzi is the beginning of his rise, and later “The House with Laughing Windows” (1976) becomes a cult film for fans of film noir. Thanks to the success of the latter film Avati worked as a screenwriter for “Jazz Band” (1978) and “Cinema” (1979), two autobiographical television productions.

His most iconic films include “Christmas Present” (1986), “The Story of Boys & Girls” (1990), “The Best Man” (1998), “Giovanna’s Father” (2008), “Il bambino cattivo” (2013) and “A Golden Boy” (2014), which earned him the best screenplay award at the Montreal Film Festival. His latest works are “Il Signor Diavolo” (2019), “Lei mi parla ancora” (2021), “Dante” (2022) and “La quattordicesima domenica del tempo ordinario” (2023). He has directed 55 films and written 57 screenplays. He received the “Italian Gold Medal of Merit for Culture and Art” and was awarded “Commander Order of Merit of the Italian Republic”.ù

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